Companies & Tech Revolution: using electronic media in Board of Directors meetings

The globalization of the startup ecosystem, along with the selection of digital tools that allow members of a company to work at distance (Google Apps for Work,Trello, Slack, just to name a few), often generates a dispersion of team members at global level. Unlike 20 years ago, a startup today can operate without a prefixed… Leer más Companies & Tech Revolution: using electronic media in Board of Directors meetings

Shortfalls of the System “Your Company in 1 Day” (Part 2)

Having passed already 3 years since the Law’s entry into force, we seek to present some of the shortfalls and disadvantages detected in our practice, that are generated by the use of the mentioned Registry. A setback that occurs in certain proceedings, like in the statute reforms of a joint-stock company, where the system requires… Leer más Shortfalls of the System “Your Company in 1 Day” (Part 2)

Shortfalls of the System “Your Company in 1 Day” (Part 1)

A laudable initiative of Sebastián Piñera’s Government created the Electronic Registry of Companies under the control of the Ministry of Economy with the purpose of “Simplifying the Regime of Constitution, Modification and Dissolution of Mercantile Companies”. As a matter of fact this is the name of the Law (20.659) that creates the mentioned registry, most… Leer más Shortfalls of the System “Your Company in 1 Day” (Part 1)