Dealing with Equity Splitting

Negotiation over founder equity can be a particularly challenging task. But it’s one of the key decisions that a founding team must take beforehand in order to avoid future disputes and disagreements, broken relationships and the company’s paralysis. So, once you’re all set, it’s time to sit down with your co-founder or employee for the… Leer más Dealing with Equity Splitting

Companies & Tech Revolution: using electronic media in Board of Directors meetings

The globalization of the startup ecosystem, along with the selection of digital tools that allow members of a company to work at distance (Google Apps for Work,Trello, Slack, just to name a few), often generates a dispersion of team members at global level. Unlike 20 years ago, a startup today can operate without a prefixed… Leer más Companies & Tech Revolution: using electronic media in Board of Directors meetings

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

It’s an agreement in which a party (individuals or companies) undertakes not to release or disclose certain information received from another party (usually siting at the other side of the negotiation table). The release of sensitive information will usually occur during a negotiation process or during a business relation between 2 or more parties.

Acuerdo de Confidencialidad o Acuerdo de No Divulgación

Es un acuerdo a través del cual una persona (natural o jurídica) se obliga a no divulgar cierta información recibida de parte de otra persona (sentada generalmente al otro lado de la mesa de negociación). La entrega de información confidencial se hará generalmente en el marco de un proceso de negociación o durante una relación de… Leer más Acuerdo de Confidencialidad o Acuerdo de No Divulgación